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Apple Service Center

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iPhone 12

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iPhone 11

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus pulvinar dapibus leo.

Apple iPhone Repairing Center

Prepare your Apple device for service by following these steps before bringing it to an Apple Authorized Service Provider:

1. Back up your Apple device.

Deactivate Apple Cash. Access the Settings app, navigate to Wallet & Apple Pay, and then disable Apple Cash.

Remove your cards and passes from Apple Wallet. Launch the Wallet app, select a card or pass, tap the More button, and then tap Card (or Pass) Details. Tap Remove Card (or Pass).

Deactivate Find My. Access the Settings app, select your name, and then navigate to Find My. Tap “Find My [Device]” and disable it. If you encounter difficulties disabling Find My on your iPhone, proceed to the Find select your iPhone, and then select Remove This Device. Follow the on-screen instructions to prepare your device for repair.

Disable Stolen Device Protection. Access the Settings app, tap Face ID & Passcode, enter your device passcode, and then toggle Stolen Device Protection on or off.

Upon visiting the service location, please bring:

1. Your device and any accessories that require assistance.

2. If feasible, your sales receipt (as some repairs necessitate proof of purchase).

iPhone Service Center Contact Number

Contact the toll free number given on the screen and provide the details of your damaged phone to the service center

iPhone 14

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iPhone 13

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iPhone 12

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iPhone 11

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We Fix All Devices, All Problems

Broken Screen

Software Fault

Battery Replacement

Data Recovery

Accessories fixes

Liquid Damage

Forget Password and

Keypad Repair or Home

Sony Play station repair

Here are some of the most popular topics we cover.

If your Apple product is under warranty, hardware repairs are free. Otherwise, you’ll pay service charges and part costs. We’ll provide an estimate and only proceed with your permission. All hardware repairs come with a 90-day Apple warranty. Software-related issues may apply service charges. Before starting, we’ll inspect your equipment and leave it with us until an Authorized Technician can diagnose and resolve the problem.

System Health Checks and Installations

Our Apple Certified and Authorized Service Engineers can perform system health checks, including disk defragmentation, system rebuilds, and data removal. They’ll use diagnostic tools to assess your system’s performance.

We offer Installation Services for all clients, from large companies to small businesses. Our engineers will set up new equipment in our state-of-the-art Service Centre, deliver it to your business, and install Apple-approved software and third-party hardware devices. They’ll also connect your Macs to your existing network.

Pickup and Drop Off Services


Let us know if you need us to pick up or drop off your Apple product. We’re happy to help!

We offer pick-up and drop-off for all Apple needs. Our experts will take care of your device, whether it needs fixing, servicing, or delivery. Schedule a time that works for you, and we’ll handle the rest.

New Apple devices come with 90 days of free telephone support. You can extend this coverage with AppleCare for up to 3 years. AppleCare provides unlimited telephone support from the device’s makers and helps with hardware issues. It also covers accessories like the 27” Thunderbolt display, Time Capsule, or AirPort Express when buying a new Mac.

You can buy AppleCare anytime while your device is still covered by the original 1-year warranty. If you’re unsure about your device’s age, give us the serial number. Financing is available for those on a budget, whether buying for yourself, as a gift, or as a student. (Available in-store only).

Our Certified Technicians at the Service Centre are Apple Authorized Service Providers. We follow strict Apple quality control measures to ensure exceptional customer care. All our technicians are trained and certified by Apple.

AASPs, part of Apple’s Authorized Business network, provide top-notch support and repair services for all Apple products. Our Apple-certified technicians undergo regular training to ensure experienced help.

We offer specialized support for individuals, schools, and large organizations. From hardware to software issues, we quickly and efficiently resolve problems. Technicians are fully accredited to perform warranty and non-warranty assessments and repairs, and we serve customers regardless of purchase location.

We use genuine Apple parts, and repairs won’t void warranties. All service records are logged on Apple’s Global Service system.

Each new Apple device is accompanied by a one-year limited warranty and ninety days of complimentary phone technical support.

With AppleCare, you can extend the warranty to three years for your Mac and two years for your iPhone, iPad, iPod, and Apple TV from the date of purchase. You will receive unlimited telephone support from the technicians responsible for your device’s design and development. Additionally, if hardware support



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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and…

Apple Service Center in Dwarka

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and…


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